Early Enrollment Program

Middle School

The Early Enrollment Program (EEP) is a concurrent enrollment program that offers college credit from Rhode Island College to highly motivated high school seniors and select juniors. Students who are seeking an academic challenge and have maintained a strong academic average may qualify for participation in the EEP, contingent upon the recommendations of teachers and school counselors.

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Facilitating both a Rigorous and Supportive High School Experience

The mission of the Rhode Island College Early Enrollment Program is to provide qualified high school students the challenge and opportunity to earn transferrable college credits at an affordable price. The EEP staff works collaboratively and cooperatively with high school and college faculty to offer a rigorous postsecondary experience to students in their own supportive high school environment. The EEP is committed to maintaining the standards of excellence as established by the National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships of which we are a founding member.​

Program Overview

Concurrent enrollment means the student earns both high school credit and college credit for certain designated courses at their respective high schools. Begun in 1980, Rhode Island College's EEP has awarded college credits to thousands of students. More than 50 high schools in RI and nearby MA offer EEP courses to over 3000 students annually.

More to Know

The Early Enrollment Program is housed in the Forman Center 200. Email EEP at eep@dcvg-cn.com or call EEP at 401-456-8857.

  • Attleboro (MA)
  • Barrington
  • Bellingham (MA)
  • Bishop Hendricken
  • Burrillville
  • Central Falls
  • Chariho
  • Classical
  • Coventry
  • Cranston Area Career & Technical Center
  • Cranston East
  • Cranston West
  • Cumberland
  • Davies Career & Technical High School
  • E-Cubed
  • East Greenwich
  • East Providence
  • Exeter-West Greenwich
  • Franklin (MA)
  • Hope
  • Johnston
  • LaSalle Academy
  • Lincoln
  • Medway (MA)
  • Middletown
  • Mount Hope
  • Mount Pleasant
  • Narragansett
  • New Bedford (MA)
  • North Attleboro (MA)
  • North Kingstown
  • North Providence
  • North Smithfield
  • Pilgrim
  • Ponaganset
  • Portsmouth
  • Providence Career and Technical Academy
  • Rogers
  • Saint Raphael Academy
  • Scituate
  • Seekonk (MA)
  • Shea
  • Smithfield
  • South Kingstown
  • ​The Greene School
  • Times 2 STEM Academy
  • Tiverton
  • Toll Gate
  • Tolman
  • Trinity Academy for the Performing Arts
  • West Warwick
  • Westerly High School
  • Woonsocket​​

If you are planning to take an EEP course and have never taken one (or any course at RIC), you need to create a user account.  If you have taken EEP courses in the past, you don't need to create an account – you are already in the system. 

Once you create your account, you will be sent your RIC Student ID number. It is very important that you keep that ID number (we suggest keeping it on your phone)!

Your user account is what you will use to register.

Program Standards

EEP Instructors and On-Site Coordinators (OSC) assist in maintaining high academic standards for the delivery of EEP courses approved by Rhode Island College’s Faculty Liaisons. 

The OSC and the EEP Office must be notified immediately of any change in the course or a long-term absence (more than two weeks) of an EEP Instructor (including medical leave, maternity leave, military duty, extended jury duty, resignation or any other unforeseen or necessary absence). The EEP Office must also be informed of the high school’s plan to cover the EEP class in question.

If the EEP office is not notified and/or the substitute is not an approved EEP instructor, the course(s) will not continue to run for EEP credit. The high school principal, OSC and RIC Faculty Liaison will be notified by the EEP Office. The OSC should arrange to immediately inform the students in any affected class. The EEP will refer any student and parent/guardian concerns to the high school.

EEP Instructors

The process for teacher acceptance begins with the EEP Office. Interested teachers must have a minimum of three years of teaching experience and an earned master's degree in the subject area of the EEP course. Some departments have specialized or alternative requirements (i.e., appropriate business experience, specific master’s degree 15 graduate credits in the field, etc.): Specialized or Alternative Requirements​

In all cases, the high school teacher must meet the educational standards set by the college and the academic department. Teachers should review the list of courses offered through the EEP in the section entitled EEP Courses Available. To offer a course not on the list, teachers must first contact the EEP office before submitting any materials.

It is strongly recommended that teachers submit all credentials to the EEP Office by April 1 to allow time for review by the EEP staff and then evaluation by the designated Faculty Liaison. The final deadline for receipt of all credentials is May 1 for consideration for fall. These materials should be emailed to the EEP Office at eep@dcvg-cn.com for more efficient processing and review:

  • undergraduate transcripts, which may be unofficial copies (RIC transcripts will be obtained for you)
  • résumé
  • proposed course syllabus (Sample syllabi are available upon request from the EEP Office. Some departments may require the same syllabus used on campus. Syllabi may not refer to AP or Honors even if the EEP class is combined with one of these in your high school.)

Please Note: Transcripts that cannot be scanned and emailed may be mailed. Also, on-site coordinators may contact the EEP office if they need to request an exception to the deadline due to retirement, change of instructor, etc.

Guidelines for Teacher Acceptance

Once all materials are received, the EEP Office will send the file to the appropriate faculty liaison for review. The RIC faculty liaison will review teacher credentials (résumé and transcripts) to ensure that the teacher meets specific department requirements for designations as an EEP Instructor and is someone who could be eligible to serve as an adjunct faculty member at the college; review the syllabus to determine if the course meets the department guidelines and if necessary, request course revisions to meet the college's department/course standards; notify the EEP as to the approval or denial of the teacher and the course.

The EEP office will notify the course teacher and the on-site coordinator (OSC) as to the approval or denial of the teacher and/or course. Upon being accepted into the EEP, high school faculty will be designated as EEP instructors. The EEP will provide the OSC and classroom teacher with any relative information needed for the implementation of the course in the EEP.

If more than three years have elapsed since teaching in the EEP, the teacher must reapply to the program. To request reinstatement, updated materials (resume, syllabus, transcripts if applicable) must be submitted to the EEP Office.

EEP Instructor Responsibilities

  • Teach each assigned EEP class in accordance with the agreement made with the RIC faculty liaison and use of the approved syllabus.
  • Submit a current syllabus to the EEP Office each year and update and submit current résumé as needed.
  • Maintain communication with the high school on-site coordinator (OSC).
  • Notify the OSC of the number of sections of each EEP class/section you are teaching​.
  • Be accessible for at least one yearly liaison visit per EEP course (not section).
  • While student teachers may observe EEP classes, they are not allowed to teach in any EEP classes because they do not meet the requirements of being an EEP instructor.
  • All communications from an EEP instructor to the RIC/EEP Office should be copied to the school’s on-site coordinator.

Please Note: While EEP courses are transcripted as Rhode Island College credits, grading and other academic standards for the courses (such as academic honesty, penalties for plagiarism, etc.) are determined by the individual EEP instructors and their respective high schools. EEP instructors must submit letter grades for EEP classes that conform to the grades offered at Rhode Island College (A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+ D, D-, F).

A grade of "W" may only be submitted under the following conditions:

  • The student is no longer registered in the EEP class (and will not be receiving high school credit).
  • The student has moved and is no longer attending the high school.
  • Extenuating circumstances (such as long-term absence/illness) should be reported to the EEP Office for review and possible approval for a W. Students may not be awarded a W after the class has ended.

EEP Instructor Status

EEP Instructors receive a stipend for teaching EEP courses. A W-9 form must be submitted along with the grade sheets at the end of each year.

Instructors are also eligible for a campus ID card which allows the user access and/or admittance to a number of services and activities on campus. Such activities include the use of the RIC Adams Library and its online services as well as discounts to many of the performances and events that take place at Rhode Island College.

It is important to note that an EEP instructor is neither a permanent nor a contracted employee at Rhode Island College but an instructor in the EEP assigned on a year-to-year basis. Once a new course/teacher is approved, a "review period" will begin allowing the RIC Faculty liaison the freedom to review the course content and/or the instructor. This review period will be in place for the first year only. Instructor appointments are subject to non-renewal at any time at the discretion of the RIC faculty liaison with the approval of the EEP Office.

On-Site Coordinators

Each participating high school has a designated On-Site Coordinator who serves as the administrator of the EEP program at his/her high school. This person oversees the general operation of the EEP which includes registration and grading processes, fee assistance, selection of a scholarship candidate, etc. The on-site coordinator may be a teacher (including EEP instructor), school counselor, administrator or member of the administrative staff.

On-site Coordinator (OSC) Responsibilities

The OSC's responsibilities include but are not limited to the following:

  • Serve as an advisor to the students and to the EEP instructors at the school.
  • Ensure that all EEP instructors meet the requirements of the EEP so that only qualified instructors teach EEP classes.
  • Promote the EEP by introducing new classes into the program and relating the benefits of the EEP to high school students, parents, school counselors, administrators, and any other interested parties.
  • Communicate information between the EEP office and EEP instructors in a prompt manner.
  • Verify the teachers and courses that will run in the EEP for that particular semester or year prior to EEP fall and/or spring registration.
  • Coordinate all the materials of any high school teacher who applies to become an EEP instructor (to be sent electronically to the EEP Office).
  • ​Meet EEP Office deadlines for student registrations, verification of class rosters and submission of grades.

On-Site Coordinator Status

On-Site Coordinators receive a stipend for their work with the EEP. A W-9 form must be submitted along with the grade sheets at the end of each year.

On-Site Coordinators are also eligible for a campus ID card which allows the user access and/or admittance to a number of services and activities on campus. Such activities include the use of the RIC Adams Library and its online services as well as discounts to many of the performances and events that take place at Rhode Island College.

Please Note: An on-site coordinator is neither a permanent nor a contracted employee at Rhode Island College but a facilitator in the EEP assigned on a year-to-year basis. On–site coordinator appointments are subject to non-renewal at any time at the discretion of the EEP/RIC staff.

Associate Directors

  • Patricia Bergantini
  • Christine Bonas
  • Richard Larkin
  • Peter Quesnel

Contact the EEP 

RIC Faculty Liaisons

Each academic department offering EEP course(s) must designate one or more faculty liaison(s) who will serve as the main contact to the EEP staff and the high school EEP Instructors. The liaison plays an important role in maintaining the academic quality and rigor of the program through review of courses and teachers for possible acceptance into the EEP. NEASC requires that teachers approved for concurrent enrollment programs (i.e., EEP) meet the standards for adjunct faculty in the department.

An academic department may require any approved EEP Instructor to use the department's syllabus for the course.

In addition, any liaison who cannot continue his/her responsibilities for any reason (retirement, load, sabbatical, etc.) should notify the EEP office and department chair. The office staff will contact the chair to request a replacement, whether temporary or permanent.

Faculty Liaison Responsibilities

Approval of EEP Instructors and Courses:
  • Review resumes and undergraduate transcripts of prospective EEP Instructors forwarded to you by the EEP Office to determine if they have the qualifications set by the RIC department.
  • Evaluate the high school course syllabus to determine if the course meets the standards of the equivalent Rhode Island College course.  The liaison may request that the high school teacher adjust the course content, syllabus, etc., for the course to be accepted into the program.  Departments may require EEP Instructors to use the department's syllabus for the EEP offering
  • Inform the EEP Office about the acceptance or denial of the teacher and the course (with an explanation for any denials). The EEP Office will then notify the high school's On-Site Coordinator and the teacher.
  • Notify the EEP Office immediately if any course seems to have deviated from the criteria for which it was originally approved.  NOTE:  Student teachers may not provide instruction in any EEP course. 
Classroom Visits

The EEP Office does NOT require nor recommend any specific type of visit, discussion, or evaluation. It is recommended that the RIC Faculty Liaison and the EEP Instructor mutually determine in what way the visitation would be beneficial to both parties. Liaisons should schedule an annual visit to each EEP Instructor (one visit per teacher, not section). Visits may occur in the fall or spring semester. This visitation is required by the EEP Office in accordance with the standards of National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships (NACEP). Please notify the EEP Office immediately of any difficulty in scheduling a visit.

Because it may be difficult for one faculty liaison to cover the number of schools and teachers offering department courses, additional faculty (including adjuncts) may be added to assist with visits, although the department will still have one designated liaison. Names of any additional faculty assisting with visits should be sent to the EEP office.

Liaisons submit a report at the end of each semester identifying the EEP instructors who were visited, verifying the continued adherence to the approved course standards along with a brief general description or explanation of each visitation.

RIC Faculty Liaison Stipends

RIC faculty liaisons will receive an annual stipend for their responsibilities related to the review of high school courses and teachers seeking acceptance into the EEP.

In addition, faculty liaisons (and any other designated faculty making visits) receive a stipend for teacher visits (per EEP Instructor, EEP course-not section) for which they are assigned.  Stipends are calculated instructor on teacher visits per (described under Faculty Liaison Responsibilities). RIC faculty liaisons (and any other designated faculty making visits)

To be paid, all liaisons/faculty must document their visits by completing and submitting to the EEP the EEP Liaison Payment/Visitation Form. An MPO6 form must be submitted along with the visitation forms on or before June 30 each year.

EEP Assistance to Faculty Liaisons

To assist faculty liaisons, EEP will:

  • Supply an accurate list of high schools, courses, teachers with their email addresses and the number of students in each course for the purpose of school visitations.
  • Forward electronic copies of updated EEP course syllabi.
  • Send the EEP e-newsletter each semester.
  • Provide all documents necessary for the EEP instructor approval process.
  • Address any issues experienced by faculty liaisons.
  • Distribute stipends promptly for all duties performed.
Professional Development Opportunities

The EEP Office is considering offering professional development opportunities for EEP Instructors and will seek input from Faculty Liaisons regarding possible content and format.


Dual Enrollment at RIC

High school students may also take Dual Enrollment courses at RIC. These courses are part of the college's regular schedule and are taught by RIC faculty.

Program Information for Students

How it Works


High schools enter into a partnership with Rhode Island College by identifying and offering certain courses for EEP credit. These courses are the equivalent to corresponding courses offered at RIC. Rhode Island College professors have rigorous standards to approve high school teachers as EEP Instructors.. Once the course syllabus has been examined and approved, each course is given the name and number of its corresponding RIC course. Students who register for EEP courses enter into a partnership with Rhode Island College by paying a significantly reduced tuition fee for each course in which they enroll. Prepare RI is an initiative providing free tuition for EEP courses to students attending RI public high schools.

When students successfully complete an EEP course, their grade appears on their high school transcript and on an official RIC transcript. They may carry over the credits when they enroll at RIC, or they may transfer them to one of the many colleges or universities that accept RIC credits.

Earning College Credit

The award of college credit is not dependent upon standardized testing at the end of a course, but rather on the student's performance throughout the class and the grade he/she earns. This is known as "authentic assessment." Some high schools even offer a combined EEP/AP (Advanced Placement) class, thereby offering the opportunity to earn college credit either through authentic assessment or standardized testing.

Quality and Standards

NACEP, the National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships, of which Rhode Island College is a charter member, provides guidelines and standards to which concurrent enrollment programs must adhere to maintain membership. Adherence to these standards maintains credibility and excellence among programs such as the EEP and will assure its students' credit transfer to many colleges and universities in the United States.

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